Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why Is The Market So Optimistic? What’s Changed?

It’s not the economy. Not much has changed there except for a few of the many antidotal data points that are published each month. The expert’s points to three or four of the 30 reports published every month and conclude that they signal that the economy is recovering. Most don’t look at the context surrounding the data point so they don’t know what it means (do you think the guy writing headlines knows how the CPI index is adjusted for quality improvements verses price increases) or even if ”that data point” can be used to forecast the future.

There are two things that have changed. One, we continue to pile up debt (now exceeding 5 times our revenues) at a rate of $4 billion per day increasing the probability that we will have to eventually default on our sovereign debt. Two, the Federal Reserve continues to print money in increasing amounts and in many different ways like helping the European Central Banks with liquidity, or running a “Twist” program here to bring down long term rates, or the Zero Interest Rate Program (ZIRP) to help the banks and hurt savers (and force them into higher risk investment to earn any return on their investment.)

Then, yesterday, Chairman Bernanke announced that he intends to keep ZIRP in place through most if not all of 2014. Remember, both political parties were angry with Chairman Greenspan for the housing bubble because he held interest rates at one percent for a year. Bernanke intends to hold rates at zero for four years! And then, just to make things worse, he said he would be willing to “be more accommodative or in English, print more money) if the economy gets worse. Oh, by the way, he revised his estimate of GDP growth down another quarter percent.

Money supply data shows that the Federal Reserve has continued to increase the money supply and has increased the pace in the past month. In spite of what Bernanke says, this is money printing (QE3) pure and simple. Since we know that increasing money supply is how you increase GDP, the markets are pricing in the increased money supply.

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