Monday, July 18, 2011

Moody's Has It Absolutely Wrong

July 18, 2011

There will be a market reaction to passing or not passing the debt limit. But it is time to start thinking about this problem as adults rather than as political party advocates. Moody’s comments the past few days are a prime example.

Moody’s, the credit agency has stated they are likely to downgrade America’s AAA credit rating if the debt limit is not raised.

Today, Moody’s stated that America should get rid of the debt limit ceiling altogether because it gives them a reason to downgrade our credit rating. This is not only illogical; it’s symptomatic of the way politicians, economists and pundits think. They almost always attack the symptom rather than the cause.

What Moody’s should be saying is that the Congress needs to pass a law that forces politicians to reduce the debit ceiling by some percent every year until our budget is balanced. Our problem is not the current debt ceiling. Our problem is that our budget is not balanced and on an unsustainable path upward.

There are two major reasons we spend too much.

One, the party out of office attacks the party in office for spending too much and the party in power defends the spending. When election results change, so do the positions of the parties. Congress has raised the debt ceiling 140 times since it was enacted in 1917.

By the way, the debt ceiling was created by President Wilson in order to pacify the opposition that he would not spend too much on WWI.

Two, we refuse to debate the cause of our problems. We only debate the amount of money we will spend on the symptom. For example:
1.Why does America with 5% of the world’s population spend about as much as the rest of the world does on defense? Is America responsible for most of the world? If it’s to protect democracy, why doesn’t Switzerland spend more?
2.Why hasn’t poverty been eliminated after trillions have been spent on the poor? Is poverty simply a percent of the population? Are the government and the population an enabler? Is our education system failing us? Etc. etc.
3.Why do we worry about the consumer price index (CPI)? It is only a symptom. Inflation is not a manipulated, mathematical index; it’s the increase in money supply. Should we be increasing the money supply?

I could give you a thousand examples but I think you got the idea. We need to change the way we think. Once we identify the real cause of the problem, we should be able to get consensus on how much to spend solving the problem.

By the way, America has defaulted on our debt five times starting in 1776. Also, the Federal Reserve can buy bonds to fund the government forever and never have to default on the “Public” debt (public debt is what we are talking about.)

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